Glad you dropped in!
If you are a fan of ethnic food adventures, and international food recipes, you’ll be glad you found this site. Please navigate through the pages, you can find some awesome recipes, shop for hard to get ethnic spices and entree ingredients, as well as cookware and cutlery from around the world—including specialty cooking implements unique to certain cultures.
I happen to be a born and raised North American, living in the USA, so you will find many traditional American food recipes here that, while not so “ethnic” to me, will be to all our welcome visitors from other lands and cultures, including “soul food” – the African American ethnic foods that are so distinctive and flavorful. Also check out the “Classic American” page, where you will find what are considered classic, “All American” food recipes.
But North American visitors to this site will find plenty of value as well, because there are not only lots of easy ethnic food recipes (and gourmet ethnic food recipes), unique to other countries, but resources here for obtaining ingredients, spices, and implements needed to prepare them.
You can also treat this site as your online ethnic grocery store, where you can find and purchase anything from classic all American food products to food products unique to all the other continents as well
You can read up on favorite dishes in all parts of the planet, and here on the front page I will be posting about new discoveries in yummy off-beat recipes, excellent and specialized cooking implements, and just about anything related to the Joy of Cooking and eating Ethnic Foods.
Why Ethnic Foods R Us dot com?
Because Marvin Wilson (A.K.A. “The Old Silly”) just looooooooooves to take culinary adventures, I relish the odd, the unique, the different, the never-tasted-anything-like-that-before experience.
I enjoy trying cultural styles of eating, too. Like learning how to use chopsticks, or sitting cross-legged on cushions while feasting on Asian cuisine, or sitting around a large wicker basket with several others, sharing an Ethiopian Feast, using the delectable, malleable flat bread to tear pieces off and scoop up the delightful morsels …

(Photo Attributed to Author: Rama)
… or sitting down with some African friends, eating with your hands – right hand only, please!

(Photo Attributed to Author: Richard from kansas city, united states)
Yep, I’m a Globetrotting Gobbler, for sure. Hey, before you go, check out the “About Marvin” page,
it will help you understand how I got this way, okay?
I am all about trying and sharing International Food Recipes!
Again, I appreciate you stopping by, and hey – I like to engage with my readers, so please leave a comment.
If you click on the post title the comments box will appear, or, you can also CLICK HERE to make it appear.
Share some thoughts/ideas, ask a question, or make some suggestions of what you’d be interested in having available here – anything related to international food recipes, ethnic foods and cooking. I will reply to any and all who do so.
My Best Always, Your Friend,
Marvin (The Old Silly) Wilson
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Awesome site! So colorful, informative and sooooo many ethnic food recipes from all over the world ….. so glad I found you, I will be back often!
We are so happy you found us, Tabitha – please come back as often as you like! 🙂
Great site! I am an ethnic food enthusiast, and this website has thousands of great ethnic recipes from all over the world. I will be back often, rest assured!!
Glad you found us, Robert. 🙂 By all means, come back soon and as often as you like!
Awesome site! So glad I found you, doing a Google search for ethnic foods recipes. I’m a big ethnic foodie buff, got this site bookmarked, trust me I will be back often!
Glad you found us too, Markus, and please do come back as often as you wish!
Wow! What a great go-to site for ethnic foods, from all over the world! Found you doing a Google search, and you can bet I’ll be back often!
So glad you found us, Cassandra! Come back as much and often as you like, okay?
Outstanding webstite! Stumbled across this while doing a Google search for international ethnic recipes, and WOW! You got it all goin on here guys – thanks so much, I will be back often!
Thanks Bill – glad you found us, and sure do come back often!
Great site! The Mexican dishes are quite authentic, I can attest to that. I’ll be back often, I’ve really been wanting to get into authentic African dishes.
Glad you found us, Jose, and thanks for the endorsement on the Mexican cuisine dishes. Enjoy getting into African foods – they are wonderful.
Hey Marvin – Love your site, and I’m glad I just stumbled onto it. I too am a great fan of cultures and foods other than the midwestern US fare I was raised on. I expect to spend a lot of time here learning about cuisine that I’ve not tried, and exporing options for making it appear in my kitchen and my mouth.
I have a question about wheat, or rather about breads that don’t use it. I’ve been doing battle with arthritis and other inflammatory diseases by trying to avoid inflammatory foods, including wheat. Normally a lover of great crusty whole grain bread, I’m trying to learn better ways of really enjoying food without it. I’ve experimented with breading for chicken and fish that uses teff, brown rice flour, almond meal and such and it’s pretty good, but actual bread is a more complex art. I wonder if you’ve encountered breads, leavened or otherwise, that are very tasty and are based on non-wheat flours? Please let me know, as I’m eager to explore my options…
Hi Steve! So glad you found this site, and I hope you will come back often and share your experiences with us all during your ethnic foods adventures.
I too suffer from inflammatory arthritis. I also love whole grain bread, however, it is not so good for us people with “Old Arthur”, so I have had to cut way down on the consumption of it. The good news is, there are plenty of tasty, healthy options for us. I won’t go into detail here, for the sake of brevity, but I will refer you to this article which I read some time ago and found very helpful:
Thanks again for the visit and comment, and I hope to hear from you soon!
I appreciate the tip, Marvin. I’d not seen the Arthritis foundation recommendations before, and they are helpful, also reinforcing advice I’ve gotten from other quarters. I’m a bit surprised that they missed teff, however, as it is an ancient grain, known and used in some parts of the world for many centuries. It is a bit obscure for most US cooks, even though I have no trouble buying it here in Ohio.
Please keep us in mind if you encounter any brown rice based or other GF breads, wraps or noodle type foods. I enjoy the 3 bakers brand of multigrain GF breads, but it is pricey and a bit more processed than I prefer.
I just did a search on your site, and encountered Banku, Fufu and Kenkey! I’m surprised you didn’t mention these “staples” as they seem like examples of what I’m looking for. Of course the fact that they make use of corn and other foods not high on the arthritis foundation list is clear – I generally try to avoid corn as it is more inflammatory than most of the whole grain options, and plantains are probably worse. Still, in moderation these might be more joint-friendly than wheat-based options… What is your experience with them?
Hey Steve, those African staples I am very familiar with, as my wife is a native Ghanaian. Our meals together (when she cooks in her native tradition) almost always include either banku, fufu or kenkey. It eat all of them regularly, and have not noticed any adverse effect on my arthritis whatsoever.
BTW, I did go to your site and left a comment, but did not see any notification that it had posted, or was being held for moderator’s approval … did it post?
What a fun and yummy site you have! I am always on the look-out for international food recipes and it’s cool to see that you have curated so many great recipes. I’m an avid food lover and love trying new things, and I am street food lover myself. I could eat my way through street foods avenues all over the world. Yes, some foods are not as healthy as it should be, so it’s nice to see that you highlight the healthier ones. I’ll try to find a balance between the healthy and the not-so-healthy ones. I’ll also try out some of the recipes you have posted. I’ve always wanted to make Scotch Eggs, so that will be the first recipe I’ll try. Looking forward to printing more of your yummy recipes!
Bon Appetit! Cindy
Hi Cindy, so good to hear from another lover of international foods. I also could eat my way around the world through street markets, lol. Enjoy the Scotch eggs, and come back often!
Heya ^.^
I came across your website when I searched up ‘Javanese Chicken Curry’. I cooked a batch tonight. It was delicious! I didn’t have some of the ingredients, but I made a few substitutions, and bulked it up by adding some Irish potatoes. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and my fiancé declared it yummy!
Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful recipes. I can’t wait to try the others.
You’re doing an awesome job! Please keep up the good work!
Thanks for the kind words, Nneka, and I am glad you found our site! Hey, I think “bulking up” that recipe is a good idea, a nice variation. By the way, ingredients that you don’t have, or are hard to find where you live, you can usually get by clicking on them (in the ingredients list) – you will be taken to our online store, where you can purchase them and have them delivered. 🙂 Do come back often, and enjoy!
Mmmm… I’m also an international foodie! 🙂 I grew up within a pretty Dutch community, so that’s the ethnic food that I’m most familiar with.
Have you ever tried deep fried croquettes? Or boerenkoel? Oliebolen? Appleflappen? All AMAZING Dutch foods. You’ll have to look them up if not!
I love to try new recipes for my family from other nationalities. It’ll be fun looking through your site! Cheers!
Marlene, thank you for the visit and kind words. For sure, come back often and peruse the many selections – almost a thousand recipes from cultures all over the world, and more being added all the time. And thank you for those Dutch dish ideas – I’m going to look them up and get on it!
I love this post and your site. I think that your site is informative and will be useful to many people. Being a chef for many years I have always liked to find out about the food of the region I was in. Now living in the USA (originally from UK) I have loved finding out about ethnic foods. I think your site will be useful for people like me. I will be bookmarking your site to come back and check out.
Great job
Kevin, thanks for the visit and kind words. As a chef yourself, I am sure you will find lots of interesting and fun recipes here – come back often, for sure.
Hi Marvin,
What a nice website! I love baking cakes and bread and lately, I discovered that I love cooking as well. I cook Moroccan food and bake french cakes for dessert:) A nice melange:) I went to Morocco few years ago and a nice family invited us to eat with them on the floor in the same plate with our hands, it was absolutely awesome and so friendly! I loved it and the food was so delicious. I have bookmarked your site so I can cook delectable recipes later on.
Thank you very much
Hi Daniella, and thanks so much for the visit and kind comment. Good for you, expanding your culinary repertoire! And come back often, I add new recipes and more ethnic groups all the time. Just started a Dutch Cuisine page, featuring Netherlands dishes. It is fun for me, lol.
Oh my goodness, reading this made me very hungry! 🙂 I love cooking and I’m often interested to try new recipes and cuisines. Will surely try what you have here. I guess the tendency is to cook what you’re used to, and maybe just eat out if you want try something new. But you have bases covered here. Love that you also have vegetarian recipes available. Glad I stumbled upon your site. 🙂
Raquel, so true people tend to eat out when they want to try something new. But learning to prepare dishes from other cultures yourself is something that can become a very rewarding passion. Thanks for the visit and kind words, and for sure come back often – new recipes and more cultures are being added all the time.
I have never yet commented on your home page, but am doing it now. This is by far the best site for getting authentic traditional ethnic foods recipes worldwide I have ever come across – thanks so much, Old Silly, and keep it coming!
Hey Margo, I sure appreciate your patronage of this site. Thanks so much for you comments and sharing here at Ethnic Foods R Us!
I am stoked that I have found this site! I am a big time food lover and have yet to find any food I don’t like, so I am always looking for new ideas. You collection of recipes here has my mouth watering and stomach growling. Now, just to get to finding the first one I am going to try…
Sean, so glad you found the site … you sound just like I would sound if I was searching and found a site like this, lol. For sure help yourself to any and all the great recipes, and come back often. More cultures and recipes get added all the time.
Hello Marvin,
I have to say, I have been missing out on allot from not dropping back in for such a long time.
Goodness me! One can easily get lost in all the scrumptious food you have put up to share. I was looking at the info on American Cuisine and found the recipes for New Orleans fare. I’m thinking I will have to give the Crawfish Boil a try. “-)
I especially like that for the more exotic choices for spices you have made them readily accessible wit the embedded links and ability to purchase them right here.
Great job! I won’t wait so long to come back!
Linda, you are welcome back here as often as you wish, dear! 🙂
And yes, thanks for appreciating the additions – they never stop, always new stuff here, every week – and the links provided for the more exotic and sometimes “hard to get” ingredients are something I’ve often wished was provided when visiting other sites with ethnic/unusual recipes.
Hello Marvin,
I too am a world traveler and I just love to try other people’s cooking to see what I can add to my recipe book.
I find your site very helpful when I get ready to visit a new place to remind me of foods I need to ask about when I am visiting new places, like we are going to Vietnam here pretty quick and I was searching for some food references so we can at least have some idea of what it is we will be eating.
Thanks for making such a great site.
The Fat Guy.
Hey Fat Guy (love your moniker, btw – I go by “The Old Silly” a lot, teehee) thanks for the kind and endorsing words. I’m like you – love to travel to new places, and just LOVE to try out new foods from cultures I’ve never before experienced!
Great website Marvin.
I love eating and creating different ethnic cuisine as well.
Although I am a vegan I really appreciate your site and all the recipes, cause it has given me HEAPS of different recipe ideas that I can veganise hehe. So thankyou kindly for this 🙂
Especially the recipes from the smallest countries cuisine.
I want to start a vegan recipe website and seeing this has given me more motivation 🙂
Natalie, thanks so much for the visit and nice comment. I think a vegan food website is a GREAT idea! Oh, and I DO have vegetarian and vegan recipes on this site, too … just go to:
Hey Marvin. I absolutely love your site. Everything looks amazing. I will most definitely be trying some of those New Orleans Cajun recipes. That jambalaya looks amazing. I like how you have something for everyone on your site and with the click of a button, you can find food from all over the world. I wish much success and keep up the good work.
William, thanks so much for the kind and endorsing comment. I’m a BIG fan of Cajun cuisine too!
I was also born in the US but I had the wonderful opportunity to grow up in several different places in Europe. One of the best experiences I had while living in Europe was trying all of the different food. I don’t ever remember thinking that it was weird food because it was part of our everyday life to experience diffferent ways of eating and living. I am so grateful for that experience.
One of my all time favorite foods is Greek food. I think I could eat it morning, noon and night and never get tired of it. I am also a big fan of German food. I think I just really love food.
Thank you for providing such a wonderful resource for those of us who enjoy trying “ethnic” food. Do you have a favorite spice that you enjoy cooking with? Where is the best place to get ethnic spices?
Val, thanks so much for the kind words, and you are a lot like me!
I like Mexican foods a lot, and enjoy seasoning with epazote. Where is the best place to get ethnic spices? Right here on this site – Just click on the ingredients and you are taken to our online ethnic foods store!
Hey, first time I visit you site, it’s amazing, I love food, as Mexican I must say I’m fan of ethnic food. I’m going to try your recipe for the cauliflower lime tacos, looks delicious and easy to make.
This is a good vegetarian recipe for tacos, could I make it with meat instead of the cauliflower?, Do you have a good recipe for chicken tacos?
yes you can use meat of course!
And Alejandra, you will find a meat taco recipe on this page:
It calls for beef, but you can also use chicken.
Hey Marvin,
You have built a very good looking website.
And the information is so great – i dropped here and don’t want to go out 😉
Wish you BIG success!
LOL, thank you Tigran. And not wanting to leave the site is the perfect compliment … I want people to get LOST wandering around in here, hahahaha.
The visit to your site made me want to chow down. I love it AND I love food. I went right to the French cuisine. I’m going try the Mushroom asiago chicken. Sounds scrumptious.
You have such variety on this site even down to the cookware, the wines and spirits– very informative and well versed. It’s colorful and makes me want to also visit some of these places you have been.
Blessings in with your newlywed and I’ll be visiting more as I try to print out the recipes. Well done.
Well thank you so much for the endorsing compliment and well wishes for my new bride and me! You will LOVE the Asiago Chicken, it’s one of my all time fave French dishes. Super yummy, and the asiago cheese, whatever part you don’t use right away in the recipe, it keeps well and is even delicious when it ages and becomes harder and crumbly – you can grate it and use it like a Parmesan on salads, for entree garnishes, etc.
For sure stop back often, and please give me feedback on recipes you try out, okay?
you website is just amazing, beautiful design and great recipes. Great job.
Why thank you for the visit and endorsing comment, Misty. 🙂
Marvin, thanks for the recipes, hmmm….. makes me hungry, when you said “right hand only, please!” hahaha…. makes me laugh!
Henry, you are welcome, and please come back often as more recipes are being added daily. And yes, in many countries where they eat with their hands, it is right hand only, because of age old traditions that lead back to the days when homes had no plumbing, toilets, running water and handsoap, so people cleaned their bums with their left hand, making it “unclean” to eat with.
Hi Marvin!
I found my way over here from your profile on WA. You have a wonderful site and an awesome personal story. You’ve had so many adventures. I dabbled in Zen when I lived in Marin County, California. It was life changing.
All the best…
Gary (Cosmicgrit)
Gary, thanks so much for the visit, comment, and nice words. And yes, practicing Zen is indeed life altering. It puts your existence and the world you live in an entirely new and different perspective.
Hi Marvin:
I see that you have found others dishes that are my favorite. “Goat lite soup and “Peanut Soup”… Both of them and Delicious!!!
Keep up the Good Work!! 🙂
Sure do have those, Lydia. And hey – check out the Nigerian Cuisine page, it was just updated with “Obe Eja” – Nigerian fish stew.
Good to see you back, and thanks for the endorsement!
Hi, I just found your awesome site on a Google search for different kinds of ethnic foods, and WOW. Love what you are providing here! So many cool recipes and with links to get ingredients, too?
Got you bookmarked, will be back many times, cuz I love all kinds of ethnic foods. Thank You!
Hey thanks so much, Barb … I was struck when I saw your name, because my high school sweetheart’s name was Barbara Brown! LOL. but glad you like what we have here, and please come back often, okay?
Very colorful and informative! Great job, Marvin!
Thank you!
What a great idea for a blog, Marvin. I’m in the mood to try some new recipes, so now I’m going exploring. Thanks!
Help yourself, and thanks for the visit and comment. 🙂
What a wonderful, informative delicious looking website. Not only do you offer these great dishes but you offer it in multiple languages. How awesome is that. This is beautiful and you are so personable. You make a person feel good. Great work.
Aw, thanks so much Sheryl. Come back often, and be hungry, okay? teehee
Greetings, Marvin. Wow, I really like your website. I like all the different ideas you have and I love the cooking pasta video you have, it’s great and will save me a lot of time. Thanks for sharing this with me!
Hey thanks so much, Pegs. Yes, the pasta trick is way cool. Thanks for the kudos on my site, and keep on rockin’ girl!
Oh man, after looking at all those yummy pictures, I’m gonna need a snack before bed. Any suggestions? lol I love your site.
Hahaha, Dan, even I get hungry working on this site!
Suggestions? Open a cuisine page, scroll down until something grabs you, and go for it!
Hello Marvin, what a great site you have ! I love it! Do you have by any change the Angolese recipe Muamba de Galinghe, I am not sure you write it this way, but eat it once, keep up the good work with your beautiful ant talented wife, greetings Loes
Well thank you so much, Loes! I will surely look up the Muamba de Galinghe recipe from Angola and post it up here soon. And my wife says to tell you that you are a sweetheart, lol.
Thank you (and your wife:), I had a stagiair, helping me two summers ago, from Angola, and he made this while he was here, greetings Loes
You’re welcome, Loes, and it sure looks yummy. I’m going to try it myself.
just love those cheese cake recipes. Will try them ! looking forward to your Nigerian page. I have many Nigerian friends and I love their food ! Great job!
Hi Elle –
Yes, I love me some cheesecakes, too! I also have some Nigerian friends, and my wife (a native of Ghana) has many Nigerian friends so for sure that page will get filled up soon with lots of great dishes from there.
Hey, Marvin…
Noticed your website on mine, following your visit and wanted to repay the favour; this is a seriously well done site…I have bookmarked, as it will come in handing prior to visiting other countries and catching a hint of what to expect and/or bring along, as a gift of my appreciation for said visit. Having great appreciation for culture and foods, you have a new fan. Great job!
Hey thanks for the kudos and kind words, Kevin. And keeping this site bookmarked for traveling purposes, cuisine expectations, and gift ideas is an excellent way to utilize the information here.
Let’s keep in touch!
the page is expressively elegant
Well thank you so much for that vote of confidence!
OMG, I love this site! I was just on the German Cuisine recipes page, and I just GOTTA try some of those recipes. Thanks so much also for all the links to get hard to find ingredients!
Thanks for the love, Susan! And go ahead and try some of those yummy German recipes!
Hi Marvin, your site is really looking very delicious. All i need right now is two glass of water to get a full belly.Thanks for a great site like this.
Thank you brother Richmond. Did you check out the Ghanaian cuisine page? Whenever I go to that page I get hungry and lonesome for Ghana, lol.
Hi Marvin,
Great site! When I want to find information about certain cuisines I will come to this site. Thank you for providing this information. Keep up the good work!
Well thank you, I appreciate your visit and comment. For sure, visit often, I will be continuously adding ethnic cuisine adventures from all over the planet.
Hi Marvin,
Great website and with lots of detail. I was so glad that I just have eaten otherwise it would have tortured me. 🙂
Learned a lot about North American Food.
Thanks and good luck to you
Sylvia, lol, you’re welcome and thanks for the visit and comment. Come back often, and hey – try some of the North American recipes out … when you get hungry again. (wink)
Nice post a lot of information
Thank you Amanda. Come back often, the information and resources here will just keep growing.
Hi! Really like this site, I stumbled on it during a Google search. Hey will you be posting on Caribbean cuisine as well? I recently got hooked on it, during a cruise to the Caribbean, lol.
But the recipes here on Soul Food and New Orleans style, yea! Love it.
Hey thanks for the visit and comment, John. Yes, we do have plans for a Caribbean Cuisine page, look for it coming soon, ok?