Saint Lucian cuisine is best described as an amalgamation of British, East Indian, and French cuisines. We are including dishes from this little island as part of our Smallest Countries Worldwide Cuisines pages.

(Photo Attributed to Author: Gzdavidwong at Chinese Wikipedia)
Native Arawaks and people from the Caribbean occupied the island before its colonization. They survived primarily on various natural fruits and vegetables indigenous to Saint Lucia. Oranges, tangerines, avocados, mangoes, and breadfruits all were, and still are, abundant. Breadfruits have always been especially popular. Often it is eaten by itself. It is boiled into a mash, then rolled into balls, coated with seasoned bread crumbs, and either fried or baked.
Creole style dishes are very popular. One famous dish, very spicy and robust, is Creole Fish Stew.

(Photo Attributed to Author: muffin, from Worcester, UK)
Saint Lucian cuisine is also well known for its delightfully tasty dish: saltfish with banana. Saltfish with breadfruit is another very popular dish. Bouyon, yet another famous dish attributed to Saint Lucian cuisine, is prepared with dasheen, plantains, and various types of meat. is typically served with yam and dumplings.
The East Indian and British influences on Saint Lucian cuisine are quite apparent in the kinds and varieties of spices used. These spices include allspice, parsley, cloves, garlic, nutmeg and cinnamon.
If you are invited into a Saint Lucian household for dinner, you will most likely be offered a glass of cold, freshly squeezed lemon squash after the meal. You will also see this refreshing after meal drink offered in restaurants.
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Saint Lucian Cuisine!
Note: This page is still being filled out with recipes … come back soon and often for more great dishes from Saint Lucia!
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