West Coast American Tetrazzini is a handy recipe to keep on hand for when you have leftover chicken or turkey. I suppose you could use any poultry, really, duck, goose, even wild game poultry. However, usually tetrazzini is made with chicken or turkey meat.

(Photo Attirbuted to Author: CityMama -Stefania Pomponi Butler)
West Coast American Tetrazzini originated in San Francisco, just after the turn of the 20th century, created by Ernest Arbogast, the chef at the Palace Hotel. It is supposedly named after Luisa Tetrazzini, an Italian opera star who was a longstanding resident at the Palace.
There are lots of variations on the dish, but this one is quite mainstream. I put peas in my tetrazzini, some do not, preferring peas as a side dish. I also prefer using chicken over turkey – I think chicken meat is tastier.
West Coast American Tetrazzini Recipe-
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