There are all kinds of pancakes, but learning how to make basic homemade perfect pancakes is a fundamental skill needed to delve into the more jazzed up pancake recipes.

(Photo Attributed to Author: Michael Stem)
There are all kinds of pancakes, but learning how to make basic homemade perfect pancakes is a fundamental skill needed to delve into the more jazzed up pancake recipes.
(Photo Attributed to Author: Michael Stem)
Peanut stew is a common dish throughout West Africa. They call peanuts “groundnuts” because they are “nuts” that grow in the ground. This authentic Angolan version of the peanut stew is among the very best to come out of Africa.
(Photo Attributed to Author: Joe Loong)
Honduran Fried Yojoa Fish is one of the most famous dishes in Central America, and a national favorite. It originated in the Yojoa Lake region of Honduras.
(Photo Attributed to Author/User: Alarikoeloko17)
The fish is spiced and salted, left to marinate overnight. Then it is deep fried. This particular method makes the flesh delightfully flaky and easy to be pulled off the bones. Fried Yojoa fish has a slightly sweet taste, which is a large part of what distinguishes it from any other fried fish dish.
Fried Yojoa Fish is served traditionally with garnishes of pickled onions, pickled red cabbage and slices of fresh lime. A favorite side dish is deep fried sliced bananas (plátanos tajaditos).