Here at Ethnic Foods R Us, we like to occasionally post information about healthy eating and drinking habits. Banana Cinnamon Tea falls into the category of healthy drinking, especially for anyone who suffers from poor sleep, or worse, chronic sleep apnea.
You can make banana cinnamon tea easily, using only a few items that are probably already in your kitchen. This recipe for organic, banana-infused sleep therapy tastes good and it really works great.Trust me, I know from experience.
Why does Banana Cinnamon Tea work so well?
In case you didn’t know it, bananas, particularly the banana peels, are chocked full of magnesium and potassium. Magnesium is well known for helping to prevent sleep interruptions, but magnesium and potassium together work to assist in relaxing your muscles. The fact of the matter is, magnesium is among the very best minerals for inducing relaxation.
For the best overall health, we encourage you to use only organically produced bananas. Commercially grown non-organic bananas are loaded with chemical pesticides, which accumulate in the peels. Therefore, since this recipe calls for using the banana peels, it simply has to be free from harmful chemicals.

Banana Cinnamon Tea Recipe-
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