Hello, and thanks for stopping in. This is just a short post, an announcement, really.
For some time we’ve had social media buttons on this site so people can share what they like here on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, but now we have added a cool new “sharing” button that gives you a whole host of places, including email, where you can send your favorite recipes, posts, articles, etc., that you find here.
At the top and bottom of every post, page, or article, you will now see this blue PLUS button:

Click on that, and a popup menu of a dozen more options will appear, as well as a “more” options button, for many more choices.
And that’s not all. We are also pleased to announce that, in response to a few comments/suggestions we’ve had, a new “Print This” – PDF friendly button has been added. So now, if you see a recipe you’d like to have in hard copy, just highlight it, click on the button, and whisk the recipe off to your printer.
That cute little icon looks like this:
and is now activated for your convenience.
That’s it for now, but please do have a good look around while you’re here. There are daily additions of recipes, resources, product reviews and offerings, new posts and articles, so enjoy your visit, and also please do leave a comment – make a suggestion, ask for a particular culture you’re not seeing here yet to be included, whatever … you will get a response and be much appreciated.
If the comments box is not showing, just click on this post’s title, or you can also CLICK HERE.
Chow, y’all-
My Best Always, Your Friend,
Marvin D Wilson (aka The Old Silly)