Liechtensteiner Fish Stew is sort of like the American seafood gumbo, but yet quite different. Yes, it features seafoods, and it is a stew, but … the spices and combinations of ingredients make Liechtensteiner Fish Stew a very unique to its own ethnic culture dish. And trust me, it is wonderful!

(Photo Attributed to Author: Junho Jung at Flickr from South Korea)
Liechtensteiner Fish Stew Recipe-
(Serves 4)
- 7 oz. (200 grams) dark rye bread, sliced ½” thick
- 10 oz. (300 grams) of canned in oil sprats, oil drained off
- 2-1/2 lb. (750 grams) sturdy meat fish, such as cod, mahi mahi, or snapper
- 4 green onions, trimmed and chopped
- 1 large. ripe tomato, chopped
- 1 potato, peeled and chopped into 1-1/2” cubes, then boiled just until still a little chewy
- 2 large cloves garlic, peeled and fine chopped
- 1 large stalk of celery, left whole
- 1 tbsp. minced fresh parsley, plus more for garnish
- 1 tbsp. minced fresh marjoram
- 1 tbsp. smoked paprika
- ½ cup olive oil
- 4 cups fish or chicken broth
- salt and pepper, to taste
- Trim onions and chop them. Peel and chop the garlic cloves. Chop the tomato.
- If your fish is whole, and needs be, scale it, remove fins, head and tail, remove innards, and fillet. Then rinse and wash clean. Chop the fillets into large bite-sized chunks, season with salt and pepper, set aside.
- Heat the oil in a large, heavy-duty skillet over medium heat and sauté the spring onions, until softened and fragrant.
- Add the broth, tomato, garlic, celery stalk, and salt and pepper to taste. Adjust burner heat so the mixture is cooking at a lively simmer. Stir frequently
- When the broth is cooking and blending, add in the fish pieces, adjust burner to maintain a lively simmer, and cook for 15 minutes.
- Add the sprats into the skillet. Add in the boiled potato chunks also.
- Do a taste test. Adjust salt and pepper if need be.
- Remove the celery stalk from the cooking mixture and discard.
- In a mortar and pestle, pulverize the garlic, marjoram and parsley into a mash.
- Using a mixing bowl, put the mash into it, and pour in and stir together some of the cooking broth, enough to make it loosened enough to pour.
- To serve your Liechtensteiner Fish Stew, place a slice of rye bread on a serving plate, then pour some of the broth/mash mixture over the bread. Using a slotted spoon, ladle out a generous portion of the fish and place it atop the bread. Lastly, using a large soup ladle, douse the entire dish with the tomato/potato/sprat/broth from the skillet. Garnish each serving bowl of Liechtensteiner Fish Stew with a sprinkling of chopped fresh parsley.