Russian cuisine is certainly among the most colorful of all the ethnic groups in the world. With dishes like the fragrant Borshch with Smetana (Russian sour cream), titillating pirogi, kulebyaka, pickled mushrooms, rasstegai, crispy pickles, Basturma, and of course all the amazingly sumptuous sauces, WOW … they can put on a table spread that will engage your eyes, nose, touch and taste in a way that is absolutely amazing.

(Photo Attributed to Author: Deror_avi)
Unlike Western countries, in Russia, lunch is typically the main and largest meal of the day. Working men usually have a full one hour lunch break sometime between 1 and 3 p.m., enough time to relax and have a large, enjoyable meal.
There is always a good bread on the table (for lunch or dinner), and the meal will consisting of a first course of hot soup (пе́рвое блю́до or simply пе́рвое), a meat with potatoes entree as the second course, followed by a third course of pasta (второ́е) or porridge. After eating, drinks (тре́тье) are served, most often kompot (a non-alcoholic drink made with fruit boiled in water), coffee, fruit juice, or tea. тре́тье is often served with a desert, typically a slice of cake, or some chocolates.
Okay, let’s now get into the real reason you came here … the recipes! Enjoy your journey into the world of …
Russian Cuisine!
Please note: For your convenience, you can click on the recipes listed below and be taken directly to a page with just that one recipe on it, in printer-friendly format.
Here is the list, in alphabetical order:
Baked Pirohi (Russian Pastry dish)
Beef Stroganoff (Authentic, Traditional Russian style)
Basturma (Marinated Beef Appetizer)
Khalva (Syrupy Walnut Cake)
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