Sukuma Wiki is a superb Kenyan cuisine way of cooking greens. It can be made with or without meat. Either way, the special African seasonings and manner in which it is prepared is super tasty. Goes great with any Kenyan Nyama Choma (spicy roasted meat) main entree, and any leftover Nyama Choma is excellent to include in your Sukuma Wiki in another meal later, too.

(Photo Attributed to Author: Paresh Jai from Nairobi, Kenya)
Sukuma Wiki is traditionally served with chapatis, or, as in the depiction above, a mound of ugali.
Sukuma Wiki Recipe-
- 1 large bunch of kale greens (you can also use collard greens)
- 3 medium-sized ripe red tomatoes, cored and rough chopped
- 4 large cloves garlic, peeled and minced
- 1 large white onion, peeled and rough chopped
- 1 tsp. African smoked paprika
- ½ tsp. ground coriander
- 1 tsp. African Curry (this particular style of curry is a must have ingredient, for authenticity)
- 1 tsp. freshly ground turmeric root
- 1 tsp. cayenne pepper (or to taste)
- 2 tbsp, freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 Knorr seasoning cube, crushed
- 2 tbsp. scallion infused olive oil
- optional, add in some leftover Nyamo Choma
- Heat the scallion infused olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high flame. Sauté the garlic and onions until softened and fragrant.
- Then add and stir in the Simba Mbili curry, African smoked paprika, turmeric and coriander, and cook, stirring with a heavy wooden spoon, for about 2 minutes.
- Add in the crushed Knorr cube, stir well to combine with all the ingredients, and simmer for about 5 minutes or so.
- Now add and stir in the chopped kale or collards, cayenne pepper, tomatoes and lemon juice, and continue cooking for another 7 to 10 minutes until all the flavors have blended and the greens are well tenderized. (Note: if you are adding leftover Nyamo Choma meats, do that now, stirring the meat into the dish and allowing it to heat through and absorb the flavors of your Sukuma Wiki)
- When finished cooking, do a taste test, and adjust salt and pepper if necessary, then cut off the burner and remove the skillet from the burner.
- Serve your Sukuma Wiki while nice and hot, with either chapatis or some ugali.
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